The Significance of Educative Environment to the Character Development
A Study of al-Zarnûjî’s Ta'lim Al-Muta'allim
l-Zarnûjî, Ta’lim al-Muta’allim, educative environment, character development, empowerement, encouragement, enhancement, refinementAbstract
Some factors pertainning to the formation of human character in the field of education are influenced by the divergent means. One of them, as the external factor, includes the environment on how to make a conducive circumstance both selecting the partners and choosing the educators. In addition, the ultimate aim of this study is a rediscovery effort on educational thought of al-Zarnûjî in his book Ta’lim al-Muta’allim, the monumental work containning the fundamental principles in education, which has been used in the Muslim world in the context of the role in the formation of character development. The approach used to investigate is a descritiptive analysis to find out the possibility of application of the character development. This study discovers that al-Zarnûjîs idea, particularly on the significant role in performing the process of character development is through well conducive circumstance. It indicates that the way in choosing both partners and educators, where both of them should interact with, has the fundamental impact, namely for encouragement, empowerement, enhancement and refinement. Finally, this study is highly supposed to enrich the concept of character education, particularly in the educative environment for the character development, as the significant role in the process of education.
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Online Source: (acessed on 2 March 2015). (acessed on 2 March 2015). (acessed on 2 March 2015).
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