The Barriers to Implementing English School Based Curriculum In Indonesia
Teachers perspective
Teacher, curriculum implementation, barrierAbstract
Eight years have passed since the current English School Based Curriculum 2006 for Junior High School in Indonesia first introduced in school, so teachers, principals and other stakeholders have had sufficient time to work with it and discover both the positive aspects and limitation in their individual context. At the time of its introduction, it represented a radical change of teacher’s role. Teachers is not only the implementer but also a designer and developer of recent curriculum. This new paradigm requires the presence of qualified teachers who are able to determine their own material, teaching methods and assessment those are suitable for their students. Consequently, a teacher will have greater flexibility and accountability in transferring the curriculum into classroom level. This new double role will require a greater level of expertise in curriculum decision making. The aim of this article is twofold. First, it will t give a comprehensive review of the challenges in implementing English School Based for Senior High School 2006 from teachers perspective. It discusses the challenges that teachers hold as designer and implementer of the curriculum, and second, it will look into the importance of teacher change and commitment in succeeding the present curriculum.
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