Identification of Suppliers able to provide Hydraulic Fracturing Services in Unconventional Reservoirs and Risks associated with the Construction of these Wells




hydraulic fracturing, fracking, unconventional resources, shale gas, risk management


According to the international agencies U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and World Energy Council (WEC), Brazil is the 10th country in the world ranking of the largest holders of shale gas reserves, with 245 Tcf (trillion cubic feet) (6.9 Tcm – trillion cubic meters) of natural gas. Due to the low permeability of these formations, the so-called unconventional reservoirs, only become viable if stimulated through horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing techniques. These techniques, like any other ones, have associated risks that should be very well managed and mitigated. This article aims to show that the benefits, in terms of fostering the local economy, job creation and energy security, outweigh the risks since they are known and well managed. In addition, suppliers present in country, able to provide these services properly, with numerous successful cases around the world, are identified in the article as well.


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Author Biographies

  • Henrique Toby Ribeiro, Universidade de São Paulo

    Instituto de Energia e Ambiente

  • Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros Costa, Universidade de São Paulo

    Instituto de Energia e Ambiente

  • Thiago Luis Felipe Brito, Universidade de São Paulo

    Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades

  • Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos, Universidade de São Paulo

    Instituto de Energia e Ambiente


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, H. T., Costa, H. K. de M. ., Brito, T. L. F., & Moutinho dos Santos, E. (2022). Identification of Suppliers able to provide Hydraulic Fracturing Services in Unconventional Reservoirs and Risks associated with the Construction of these Wells. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(3), 59-83.
Received 2021-10-07
Accepted 2021-11-03
Published 2022-03-01