Small non-essential service companies in Brazil in times of pandemic
Inferences regarding the (in)existence of emergency reserve
Small businesses, Non-essential services, Emergency financial reserve, ManagementAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the consequences of the (in)existence of emergency reserve for small non-essential service business in the city of Paranaguá, PR./Brazil. The survey was submitted to the managers of companies with more than 03 (three) years in the market, taking into account 02 (two) categories of analysis: emergency financial reserve and impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic. For data analysis, Bardin content analysis technique was used. The study revealed that during the pandemic period, companies had to adapt their way of working because of the crisis. In addition, the importance of using controls and financial indicators to better manage the business and the use of the emergency financial reserve as a survival strategy was highlighted.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Luis Manfron, Cleverson Mello; Luciane Scheuer; Matheus Barcelos

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Accepted 2021-11-19
Published 2021-12-01