Building for Success through edTPA Portfolios
A Top 10 List for Pre-Service Teacher Candidates
Pre-service teacher candidates have been assessed for their knowledge of teaching theory and specific content knowledge, such as Social Science, Elementary, Special Education, etc. by passing written exams. When successful, they are recommended for a teaching certificate allowing them to practice their craft as classroom instructors.
Caughlan S., Jiang H. (2014). Observation and teacher quality: Critical analysis of observational instruments in preservice teacher performance assessment. Journal of Teacher Education, 65(5), 375-388. DOI:
Chiu, S. (2014). edTPA: An Assessment that Reduces the Quality of Teacher Education. TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 14(1), 28-30. Floden R. (2012). Teacher value-added as a measure of program quality: Interpret with caution. Journal of Teacher Education, 63(5), 356-360. Forzani F. (2014). Understanding “core practices” and “practice-based” teacher education: Learning from the past. Journal of Teacher Education, 65(4), 357-368. Henry G., Kershaw D., Zulli R., Smith A. (2012). Incorporating teacher effectiveness into teacher preparation program evaluation. Journal of Teacher Education, 63(5), 335-355. Knight S., Lloyd G., Arbaugh F., Gamson D., McDonald S., Nolan J., Whitney A. (2014). Performance assessment of teaching: Implications for teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 65(5), 372-374. McDonald M., Kazemi E., Kavanaugh S.2013). Core practices and pedagogies of teacher education: A call for a common language and collective activity. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(5), 378-386. Polikoff M.2013). Teacher education, experience, and the practice of aligned instruction. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(3), 212-225. Sato M. (2014). What is the underlying conception of teaching of the edTPA? Journal of Teacher Education, 65(5), 421-434.
Retrieved from, October 2014 Retreived from Pearson’s ePortfolio System, October 2014
Retreived from April 16, 2015
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