Mechanical Failures Detection by Vibration Analysis in Rotary Machines Using Wavelet and Artificial Neural Network in the Gera Maranhão Plant.




Vibration analysis, Wavelets, Artificial neural networks, Maintenance


This article presents aspects of a tool to assist in predictive maintenance based on vibration analysis in rotating machines using wavelet transform and artificial neural networks. The work analyzed the experimental results of applying a methodology based on the combination of the discrete wavelet transform using a Gaussian window with an artificial neural network for condition monitoring of three-phase induction motors. This approach consisted of simulating faulty and flawless signals using software developed in LabVIEW, their processing, appropriate choice of signals, establishing statistical measures of the chosen signs, and forming the input vectors presented to the artificial neural network. The input vectors are constituted based on statistical measures involving measures of central tendency (mean and centroid), measures of dispersion (RMS value and standard deviation), and a measure of asymmetry (Kurtosis). The most promising configuration was the Multiple Perceptron Layer (MPL) network with four hidden layers containing 256 neurons. Such network showed satisfactory performance for both mechanical failures, with a correct range of around 97%. These results proved to be very effective for detecting mechanical failures, thus being an auxiliary instrument in predictive maintenance.


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Author Biographies

  • Érico Fernando da Costa Vale, Gerência de planejamento e controle Maranhão

    Engenheiro Eletricista, Usina Termelétrica Gera Maranhão

  • Antonio Carlos Duarte Ricciotti, Federal University of Rondônia

    Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

  • Viviane Barrozo da Silva, Federal University of Rondônia

    Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering


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How to Cite

Vale, Érico F. da C., Ricciotti, A. C. D., & da Silva, V. B. (2022). Mechanical Failures Detection by Vibration Analysis in Rotary Machines Using Wavelet and Artificial Neural Network in the Gera Maranhão Plant. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(2), 178-188.
Received 2022-01-14
Accepted 2022-01-27
Published 2022-02-01

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