Seasonal Variations of Household Solid Waste Generation In Mubi, Nigeria
Seasonal, Variation, Household, Solid Waste, GenerationAbstract
Solid waste management problem has been a subject of great concern in developing nations because it has remained intractable mainly due to absence of quantitative data for its planning and management. This study examines seasonal variation in household solid waste generation in Mubi, Northern Nigeria because households are the main generators of solid waste since the country is not sufficiently industrial. Data was collected through observation and measurement of 603 systematically selected household from 30 wards that make up Mubi metropolis, and data generated was summarized using descriptive statistical measures. Results show that waste generated from households (wet and dry season) are mainly ashes, garbage, rubbish (paper and carton) plastic/polythene bags and metallic materials. The mean waste generation rate of a household is 2.7kg/day in wet season and 3.1kg in dry season. The calculated standard deviation for wet season is 1.6kg/household/day and dry season is 1.4kg/household/day, and the coefficient of variation is 59% and 45% in the same order.
The result of the student t-test shows that there is a slight variation in the volume and rate of wastes generated in wet season being less than that of dry season. This variation can be attributed to greater agricultural resource utilization resulting from crop harvest with on-set of the dry season with reciprocal waste generation, as well as the increase in the purchasing power of residents due from proceeds of crop sales at that time among others factors. The study recommends the use of the data base created by Adamawa State Environmental protection Agency (ADSEPA) and private waste management agencies, for effective planning for municipal solid waste management in the area. An increase in the provision of waste collection, storage and disposal facilities particularly in the wet season by waste management agencies should be imminent.
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