Which scenarios reflect innovation at the Brazilian university?
Innovation, University, Quintuple helix, ScenariosAbstract
Innovation is the result of complex, dynamic relationships. As Science and Technology Institutions in universities are part of the National Innovation System, generating knowledge through Teaching, Research, and Extension and Innovation, our aim is to present the current innovation scenarios in the Brazilian university. Therefore, a qualitative/descriptive study is conducted after a literature review and analysis of documents of public domain. Considering the university hybridism and a timid emergence of new helices contemplating community and environmental sustainability, the findings show that there is a need for increasing approximation between university, companies, governments, communities and environmental issues in order to transfer research, development, innovation and technology to the productive sector and to a sustainable life.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Paulo Fossatti, Luiz Carlos Danesi, Jefferson Marlon Monticelli

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Accepted 2022-05-09
Published 2022-06-01