The influence of advertising on the circular economy and its sustainable and innovative parameters




Circular economy, Sustainability, Conscious consumption, Publicity


The present article aims to evaluate which are the influencing factors that may connect publicity with the circular economy model. Therefore, a bibliographical and netnographic research was carried out. After a large market research, we saw that this new model is growing around the world as the basis for the future of the industry. Mainly because it can combine the interests of industries, consumers and the environment. Helping in the development of new technology towards innovation and sustainability. As publicity is a fundamental tool in the business communication process, it is important for professionals to start adapting and understanding their role in this new emerging world.


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Author Biographies

  • Janaína Galdino de Barros, Federal University of Alagoas

    Assistant Professor, Social Communication, Public Relations

  • Karolina Mayara Maggi Alves de Azevedo, Universidade Tiradentes

    Bachelor in Advertising and Publicity


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How to Cite

Galdino de Barros, J., & Azevedo, K. M. M. A. de. (2022). The influence of advertising on the circular economy and its sustainable and innovative parameters. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(6), 102-110.
Received 2022-04-18
Accepted 2022-05-09
Published 2022-06-01