A Creative Approach as a Teaching Proposal to Develop the Digital Literacy





learning, text, digital citizenship, technologies


The study presents the creative approach as a teaching proposal for digital learners in formal learning spaces. An environment where the student perceives himself as a citizen in the individual sphere, in the collective, and in the cultural environment, in which the appropriation of knowledge is impacted by cultural aspects and their surroundings. The learning elements form a link between digital technologies, pro9grammatic content, and the guidelines of the national normative document, contemplating the needs of 21st-century learners. The creative approach aims to awaken the student’s interest in their learning process, assuming the responsibility of authorship guided by the teacher through cooperation and interaction practices. Thus, we have applications incorporated into the appropriation of knowledge that allow us to understand and master the codified digital language underlying the cyberculture with the ability to create and develop as global citizen.


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How to Cite

Elicker, A. T., Barbosa, D. ., & Martins, D. R. L. (2022). A Creative Approach as a Teaching Proposal to Develop the Digital Literacy . International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(6), 147-159. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol10.iss6.3779
Received 2022-04-20
Accepted 2022-05-09
Published 2022-06-01