Bus stops in Belém-Pará
Analysis of the equipment's conditions
Accessibility, Passenger Shelter, Public TransportationAbstract
Introduction: This work has as theme the passenger shelters in Belém, Pará, in the year 2022. Objective: to analyze the conditions of the shelters for bus passengers, based on the assumption of the need to wait for the arrival of the vehicle in a place with accessibility and adequate physical conditions. Methodological procedures: descriptive research, qualitative approach, using the bibliographic and field research, mediated by observation, from images of bus stops, located in Belém, capital of Pará, in 2022, chosen randomly, aiming for greater representativeness of the object under study. Results: It can be inferred that there are not enough shelters to meet the demand since, of the total of 1,513 bus stops, only 570 (38%) have passenger shelters; the conservation conditions are extremely poor, with a lack of coverage and side protection, seats and spatial orientation information. Conclusion: Observing the substantial absence of shelters for bus passengers in Belém, it is suggested that the government, together with the private sector, seek alternatives for implementing such urban equipment, considering the demand for buses in Belém, as well as the climatic characteristics of the city.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Helena Lucia Ferreira, Tiago Damasceno

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Accepted 2022-05-09
Published 2022-06-01