Sustainable development and environmental education in the Dessana Indian village, Tupé/Manaus/ AM.
Environmental education, Indians, Dessana CommunityAbstract
This research has the theme sustainable development throughout environmental education, in the Dessana indian village, based in the Tupé community, in Manaus, Amazonas State. The aims were all focused on developing pedagogical proposals so that the Dessana Tupé-AM community indians get to know the theme of sustainable development and environmental education. It has been used, as methodology, on-site field research which showed the Dessana community inserted in a economic system, that determined social context amendments in this people, making possible service offering, such as turistics visits in village na on their territory, cultural presentations in resorts and in other turísticas spaces, craft selling, with the goal of preserve the culture, the traditional knowledge and sustainability. However, when it comes to environment preservation it is possible noticing that the indian village have not gain yet actions that inform about the existance of material that do not decompose naturally, as the organic products, something learnt with their ancestors experiences. Therefore, it urges Environmental Educational actions to avoid enviromental impacts. From this contexto on, it has been designed a pedagogical proposal with the insertion of a booklet that aims to demonstrate the enviroment education journey and development that intends to contribute with a learning process in a more significant way, for their own contextualization and recognition on the environment they are.
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Accepted 2022-06-24
Published 2022-07-01