Use of chirps satellite precipitation in the characterization of the franceses stream basin, Manaus - State of Amazonas - Brazil
hydrographic basin, urban planning, floodingAbstract
The city of Manaus has numerous waterways in its urban perimeter, and, despite this, there is a shortage of measures aimed at protecting water resources that has generated occupations very close to the riverbeds. This work aims to characterize a watershed in an urban area of Manaus and map the areas subject to flooding around the Franceses Stream. The methodology applied involved obtaining topographic and thematic information such as morphology, geographical location, elevations, extent, area, level curves (water dividers) of the basin, obtained through georeferenced satellite images in a GIS environment.In addition, monthly satellite precipitation via the CHIRPS product was used for the calculations. The physical characteristics of the basin were determined using equations employed in hydrology. The results indicated that the Franceses Stream basin is not subject to major flooding, presenting the following characteristics: compactness coefficient Kc = 5.71; form factor Kf = 0.36; circularity index Ic = 0.03; drainage density Dd = 0.94km-1. It was also found that, despite the intense occupation, there is preserved vegetation within the basin. It was concluded that the precipitation estimated by CHIRPS is efficient because it has a larger coverage, and that knowing the characteristics of watersheds in urban environments is of great importance to subsidize intervention measures and planning policies that ensure the protection of water resources and minimize inconvenience to the population. It was also found that the use of GIS is an important tool for analyzing information in hydrological studies, and that it needs to become an increasingly applied tool in urban management, so that the knowledge obtained can be used to obtain better environmental and social conditions.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gustavo Augusto Lorenço Alves; Alexandra Amaro De Lima, Andreia Rodrigues Gomes; Sabrina Paiva Frreira

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Accepted 2022-12-05
Published 2023-01-01