Flipped Classroom Applied to Teaching Artificial Intelligence
Flipped classroom, Active Teaching Methods, Active learning, Artificial IntelligenceAbstract
The flipped classroom is an active learning method that helps the teacher to promote a significant change in the teaching and learning process, inverting activities and revolutionizing the traditional learning model. However, the application of the flipped classroom is not simple and involves the teacher's dedication to facilitate the student self-regulation of activities to promote learning. The objective proposed in this article was to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of the application of the flipped classroom in the teaching of Artificial Intelligence. To assess the results, a mixed methodology, qualitative and quantitative, combined with discourse analysis was applied. The results were satisfactory, indicating the potential of the flipped classroom applied to the teaching of Artificial Intelligence.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Anderson Cavalcante Gonçalves, Deller James Ferreira, Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto

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Accepted 2022-08-19
Published 2022-09-01