Communication of Epidemiological Data on Covid-19 In the State of Bahia, Brazil
An Experience Report of The State Epidemiological Surveillance Team
Access to information, Communication in Health, Epidemiological monitoring, Public health surveillanceAbstract
In view of the Covid-19 pandemic scenario, the dissemination of safe and correct information about the disease is essential to raise the population's awareness about preventive measures and to direct public policies to deal with the state of emergency in public health. The objective of this paper is to describe the process of improvement and qualification of communication in the preparation of Covid-19 epidemiological data in the state of Bahia. The dissemination of epidemiological data contributed to the dissemination of information to the media in Bahia and Brazil. With the evolution of the disease, the need to present data in a more accessible way to the population has become urgent, requiring the team to institute measures to improve their work process in order to disseminate epidemiological data in a faster and more transparent manner. In contrast to this complex scenario, the permanent effort and dedication so that the data were consistent with the local reality, reliable and accessible, supporting the actions and strategies to fight the pandemic, can guarantee transparency to the population, the commitment of the information made available and the institution of social measures to control the pandemic.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ana Carolina de Castro Silva, Gabriella Farias Gomes, Daniele Ribeiro de Souza, Pablo Vinícius Silva Barbosa, Marcio Luis Valença Araújo

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Accepted 2022-08-29
Published 2022-09-01