Innovation management and port governance

An approach to models and practices in the world




Innovation, Port Innovations, Innovation management, Port Governance


The main objective of the research was to prospect the state of the art in the management of innovation and port governance in order to identify models and practices in the different ports around the world, through the international scientific bases Web of Science and Scopus, which allowed the exploratory study. More specifically, we sought to raise the level of development in the field of scientific production in the areas of innovation management and port governance. Scientometric methods were applied to prepare graphs that reflect the treatment of data and information generated from selected publications, as well as the search in the patent database of the National Institute of Industrial Property – INPI. In general, a gap in scientific production related to the researched field of knowledge was evidenced, which may be associated with the low level of port innovations which, therefore, may also reverberate in the search for patent protection. Thus, it is recommended that scientific productions be encouraged to support innovations in the port sector, in addition to incremental innovations, playing a prominent role in the collaborative action of agents in the port cluster and scientific, technological and innovation institutions (ICTs).


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Author Biographies

  • Bartolomeu das Neves Marques, Federal Institute of Education

    Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT/IFBA). Specialist in Distance Education from the University of the State of Bahia (Uneb) and in Public Administration by Unicesumar. Specialist in Strategic People Management by Uneb. He works in the port sector as an Administrator and currently holds a leadership position in the Federal State Company in Brazil.

  • Marcio Luis Valença Araújo, Federal Institute of Education

    Researcher at PAHO (WHO) working on the COVID-19 Pandemic Project at SES/BA. Permanent Teacher PhD (DMMDC) UFBA/IFBA/LNCC/Uneb/CIMATEC, and graduation and masters (PROFNIT) at IFBA. Doctor in Computational Modeling by Senai Cimatec. MBA at FGV-SP (Campinas-SP) and extension at Ohio University (USA).

  • André Luíz Rocha de Souza, Federal Institute of Education

    Doctor in Industrial Engineering (PEI/UFBA). Master in Administration and Specialist in Finance
    Business (NPGA/EAUFBA). Teacher of the PROFNIT/IFBA Masters. Teacher and Researcher at IFBA.
    Leader of the Research Laboratory in Finance, Asset Valuation and Sustainability research group -
    LABFINVAS of the IFBA/Campus of Salvador.

  • Marcelo Santana Silva, Federal Institute of Education

    Post-Doctor from the Post-Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering - PEI (UFBA). Doctor in Energy and
    Environment (UFBA), Master in Energy Industry Regulation (Unifacs) and Economist from the University
    State of Santa Cruz (UESC). Researcher and teacher at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia - IFBA

  • Sérgio Sampaio Cutrim, Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA

    Doctor in Naval and Oceanic Engineering from the Department of Naval Engineering of the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP). Professor at the Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA. Vice-coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT/UFMA) and the Professional Master's Degree in Energy and Environment. Professor and researcher in the area of port management and logistics.

  • Erica Ferreira Marques, Federal Institute of Education

    Doctorate in Administration from FEA/USP in the field of Quantitative Methods (2007), and was a Post-Doctoral researcher at the Graduate Program Interdisciplinary Center for Social Development and Management (CIAGS) at the School of Administration/UFBA, engaged in the program's projects Distance Learning (2011). Professor in the Administration course and Director of Distance Education at the IFBA.


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How to Cite

das Neves Marques, B., Araújo, M. L. V., Souza, A. L. R. de, Silva, M. S., Cutrim, S. S., & Marques, E. F. (2022). Innovation management and port governance: An approach to models and practices in the world. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(1), 261-289.
Received 2021-12-02
Accepted 2022-01-01
Published 2022-01-01

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