Construction of bioethical understanding through cinematographic work

perspective of teachers, students and health workers


  • Max Amaral Balieiro
  • Alinne Rodrigues Bitencourt
  • Pedro Guilherme Castilho Costa Castilho
  • Rosana Oliveira Nascimento
  • Nely Dayse Santos da Mata
  • Marlucilena Pinheiro da Silva Pinheiro
  • Maria Virgínia Filgueiras de Assis Mello Mello
  • Anneli Mercedes Celis de Cárdenas
  • Kelly Huany de Melo Braga
  • Luzilena De Sousa Prudêncio Luiz Gonzaga Prudêncio



Bioethics, Cinema, Continuing Education, Health Education, Health Workers


The study aim at to analyze the bioethical understanding of teachers, students and health professionals through cinematographic work. A descriptive-interpretative study with a qualitative approach, carried out in an online environment, through an interview guided by a semi-structured script. Data analysis was based on Bardin's referential. The process allowed the identification of two thematic categories: Building bioethical understanding through continuing education; Cinematographic work as a tool for bioethical analysis: perceptions and reflections. The results revealed that dilemmas with ethical implications were experienced by the participants, but with an incipient criticality. The methodological strategy of continuing education, using cinematographic work, allowed reflections and construction of knowledge about bioethics.


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How to Cite

Balieiro, M. A., Castilho, P. G. C. C., Nascimento, R. O., da Mata, N. D. S., Pinheiro, M. P. da S., Mello, M. V. F. de A. M., de Cárdenas, A. M. C., Braga, K. H. de M., & De Sousa Prudêncio, L. (2022). Construction of bioethical understanding through cinematographic work: perspective of teachers, students and health workers (A. R. Bitencourt , Trans.). International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(10), 27-34.
Received 2022-08-12
Accepted 2022-08-29
Published 2022-10-01

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