Usability of Immersive Technology for Education and Training of Firefighters in Brazil
Virtual Reality, Training, Fire Department, Skills, Military ExperiencesAbstract
Practice-based training in realistic environments is important in preparing a firefighter. Live infrastructure simulation training with real fire and smoke, using real buildings and equipment, has been the only practice-based training format accepted and available, but sometimes with limitations. The integration of virtual re-ality and artificial intelligence can provide interaction for different fields of application and possibilities for complementary training. However, there is hesitation, often in doubt as to the real, often in fire situations. This article investigates how immersive VR supports cognitive processes and affects fidelity in firefighter training. The data were collected from 91 participating firefighters, including instructor officers and firefight-ers from Paraná and other states, participated in various scenarios, and real and virtual firefighting simula-tions. With tactile feedback, students used PPE for daily use at work and other equipment such as hoses and nozzles. In this bias, the usability of the immersive technology was compared with the real fire simulation performed in training containers. The results showed that tacit and explicit knowledge compared through VR can be shared correctly within the Fire Department facilities.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rosângela de França Bail, Ariel Orlei Michaloski, Renan Augusto Bortolassi de Oliveira, Eduardo Jose Slomp Aguiar

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Accepted 2022-08-31
Published 2022-09-01