Effects Of The Global Financial Crisis On Bank Credit To Sme’s
The Nigerian Experience
Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, Bank Credit, Credit rationing, Global Financial Crises, Finance GapsAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the impact of the global financial crisis on the availability of bank credit to the Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SME’s) sector of the Nigerian economy. In general terms, credit availability is a major catalyst to economic growth in any nation, and studies have shown that SME’s serve as the engine room for driving industrial development, wealth creation and financial independence. The effects of financial meltdown on SME’s is of great concern at this point in time. To achieve this aim, both secondary and primary data were used for the study. Chi square was used to analyze the primary data, while graph, percentages and the ordinary least square were used to analyze the secondary data. The findings of the study show that indeed the global financial crises negatively impacted the availability of credit to small and medium scale enterprises, thus worsening the credit rationing behavior of banks to the sector.
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