Awareness About E-Learning Among Arts And Science College Students
e-Learning is a term that is used to refer to computer-based learning. e-Learning uses web-based training and teaching materials, CD-ROMs, learning management software, discussion boards, e-mail, computer-aided assessment, simulation, online conferencing and other related methods. e-Learning may also be defined as the acquisition and use of knowledge distributed and facilitated primarily by electronic means. e-Learning can take the form of courses as well as modules and smaller learning objects. e-Learning is more focused on the learner and it is more interesting for the learner because it is information that they want to learn. The purpose of the study is to find out the level of awareness about e-Learning among Arts and Science college students. The present study consists of 250 college students studying in Arts and Science colleges situated in Namakkal District of Tamil Nadu. The sample was selected by using simple random sampling technique. The main findings of the study reveals that the Arts and Science college students are having moderate level of awareness about e-Learning and irrespective of sub samples of the Arts and Science college students are having moderate level of awareness about e-Learning. The awareness about e-Learning of male students is better than their counter part. The awareness about e-Learning of urban students is better than their counter part. The awareness about e-Learning of science students is better than their counter part. The awareness about e-Learning of the students who are using internet daily is better than their counter part.
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