Analysis Of Working Conditions Of Support Staff In Public Secondary Schools In Nyamira County, Kenya.
Analysis, Public Secondary School, Staff Motivation and Support StaffAbstract
Secondary school support staffs are less satisfied with their posts in general, their contracts and conditions of employment, working arrangements for their post, training and development opportunities available to them are always demoralizing them. Going by the foresaid conditions of work, this study was set to analyze of working conditions of support staff in public secondary schools in Nyamira County, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The specific objective of the study was to: examine the working conditions of the support staff in public secondary schools. The study population consisted of 170 public secondary schools, 170 principals, 172 deputy principals and 170 BOM chairpersons with 1020 support staff, totaling to 1532. Simple random and stratified sampling techniques were used to select 16 secondary schools, out of which one principal, six support staff, one deputy principal and the BOM chairperson from each of the sampled schools were selected, making a total sample of 144 respondents for the study. The study established that support staff in Nyamira County work under very poor conditions. The findings reveals that support staff motivation depends on the working conditions set by the principal in a school also influence workers motivation to work. The study recommended that there should be salary increase to support staffs and that the yearly increment should be effected considering the fact that they were few and were doing too much work. Principals should avail adequate working tools.
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