The medicinal plants for Covid-19 treatments
an integrative literature review
Medicinal Plants, COVID-19, TreatmentAbstract
It’s well know that the use of medicinal plants for treatment of diseases are tradicional practice and sterted at the beginning of medicine and the knowledge the went through generation to generation. Goal: Analyze studies about the use of medicinal palnts to treatment and prevantion for COVID-19 inside the national and internacional scientific journals in the last three years. Method: It’s an integrative literature review which analyzed the quantitatives data. The Virtual Library Health was used for research during the months of Octuber to November. Results:About the mean question was found just fews studies that could answer this research goals, 8 (0,65%) researchs show that the use of medicinal palnts need be more explore for achieved a better understament. Coclusion: the data collect show that some plants like Turmeric working a positive way for treating symptoms of COVID-19, also was found another kinds of plants, we have the exemplo of the maoto as a pre-exposure treatment measure for the virus. So medicinal plants have the potential to be used as a treatment for COVID-19 but we need more research about the properties of these plants.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Diurieny Vieitas , Moacir Monteiro Neto, Valéria Silva, Janaina Santos, Silvana da silva, Raquel Amaral, Thais dos Santos

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Accepted 2022-11-18
Published 2022-12-01