Learning as a permanent innovation
advances on studies of the intellect
Teaching methodology, Conception of learning, Cognition, Theory of Mind, MetacognitionAbstract
Even though research shows that incorporating metacognition-based pedagogy into the classroom leads to improved student performance, educators' grasp of the concept remains limited. It is argued that educators would benefit from a deeper familiarity with the metacognitive approach if they worked with students to foster a belief that education has the potential to inspire a lifelong curiosity for discovery and improvement. This article therefore provides a synthesis of the analysis of the outcomes of implementing metacognition-based pedagogical approaches (N = 83), published between 2016 and 2021. Researchers looked into teachers' conceptualizations and implementations of pedagogical strategies in order to comprehend the factors that stimulate students' perceptions of innovation. From these studies, we can infer that the learner experiences, perceives, and comprehends the new information as an integral part of himself, rather than as an imposition from without. The findings led to the presentation of five hypotheses about how educators can improve their practice by learning more about students' perceptions, cognitive experiments, and interpsychic and intrapsychic social relations.
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Accepted 2023-03-04
Published 2023-03-01