The Perils of Emergency Online Instruction, Students’ Preferred Learning Modality & Opportunities for Growth
Blended Learning, Virtual Online Environment, Higher Education in Pandemic, E-LearningAbstract
As a result of emergency online teaching during the covid-19 pandemic, this study was conducted to determine faculty (n=144) and students’ (n=350) perceptions with their experience in an online teaching and learning environment as well as students’ preferred learning modality. Compared to students, faculty indicated better overall satisfaction with their commitment to teaching and their comfort level with technology prior to emergency online instruction, Wilk’s Λ= .851, F (7,428) = 10.721, p= <.001. Both, faculty and students were least satisfied with the quality of instruction during emergency online learning. The majority of students were more inclined toward in person learning (37%) followed by hybrid (33%) and online (30%) modalities. This study has uncovered additional challenges brought by the pandemic during emergency online teaching as well as opportunities expressed by participants. Future studies must explore learning modalities in greater depth (hi-flex, hybrid, fully online (synchronous/asynchronous), and in-person) to suit the diverse needs of students.
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Accepted 2023-03-29
Published 2023-03-01