Coping Strategies for Cyberbullying by Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Nairobi County, Kenya
Cyber bullying, Coping Strategies, Cyber Bullies, Victims and InterventionAbstract
Use of social media has a significant influence on the behaviors of teenagers. Although nations around the world are aware of what occurs on websites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and others, there has been evidence of cyberbullying on these platforms. This study was conducted among the teenagers attending secondary schools in Nairobi County, Kenya, to investigate the coping strategies used by adolescents in dealing with the effects of cyberbullying. The research used Ex –Post- Facto design. All of the adolescents in selected secondary schools between the ages of 13 and 18 made up the study population. The study used stratified random sampling techniques to select the sample of 318 adolescents. the study also used purposive sampling to select 5 School Principals and 5 Teacher-Counselors. Data was collected using a modified Cyberbullying Coping Questionnaire. Interview schedules were used to gather information from the Teacher-Counselors and School Principals on the quality of cyberbullying coping strategies. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 25 and presented using frequency tables and percentages. The results revealed that the coping mechanisms for cyberbullying involved team efforts from parents, teachers, and students. The study found that 58(18.2%) and 81(25.5%) would seek professional advice or report the matter to their parents, teachers or school principals. Additionally, the study found that there was age difference with those who blocked, deleted or informed the bully to stop his bullying behaviors. The study recommends that School Principals and parents should create a safe and healthy environment in both home and school. Further, the study recommends that schools to put in place surveillance strategies to support students who experience cyberbullying and to develop programmes to enhance psychological adjustment.
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Accepted 2023-05-03
Published 2023-05-26