Relationship between Teachers’ Attitudes about Principals’ Communicational Jobs toward School Size, Level of Teachers’ Education, Workload and Gender


  • Željko Burcar Elementary School, Croatia



The aim of this research is to examine teachers’ attitudes about principals’ communicational job. Secondary aim is to examine whether number of shifts, number of students, teachers’ level of education and teachers daily and weekly workload predict teachers attitudes about principals’ communicational jobs principals perform. Sample consists of school teachers (N=80) that covered ISCED 1, 2 and 3, educational level from the Republic of Croatia. Sample is intentional and occasional, and present experienced teachers suitable for this type of research. The scale constructed for this research has been extracted from the scale for principals’ role estimation constructed by Burcar (2010). Findings show existence of principals’ communicational jobs in the schools as informing, reporting and verbal communication. Gender differences in the scale exist and in the subscale for verbal communication as well. In the prognosis toward principals’ communicational jobs the level of teachers’ education has statistically significant but negative predictive value.


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Author Biography

  • Željko Burcar, Elementary School, Croatia



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How to Cite

Burcar, Željko. (2015). Relationship between Teachers’ Attitudes about Principals’ Communicational Jobs toward School Size, Level of Teachers’ Education, Workload and Gender. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 3(10), 37-44.