Active methodologies, Education and Knowledge Production
Alternatives and the Pedagogical Perspective Lecturer
Man is a being eminently social and with the passage of time brings with it the marks of culture that are expressed in your body, on your way to live. The issue of education has been a generator of debates, surveys and various interventions, and articulates and builds on proposals and establish strategies that contribute to the change in values, understandings and attitudes. Objective of this study is to realize the existing level of knowledge on the Active methodologies in a superior. O educational institution teacher should be organized so that the Active methodologies are an efficient process in the formation of their students. Also, an interesting challenge is the records of the ways the experiences of students and teachers carried out with these methods and their effects to the students, in order to expand the reflections and the evidence of their pedagogical benefits.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Samuel Gonçalves Pinto, Fernando de Sousa Santana, Geovani Felipe Venades, Valdilene Aline Nogueira
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- Fernando de Sousa Santana, Samuel Gonçalves Pinto, Juliana Rodrigues Pereira, Study of Organizational Image as Competitive Differential for the Institution of Higher Education , International Journal for Innovation Education and Research: Vol. 3 No. 10 (2015): International Journal for Innovation Education and Research