Government Guidance Strategies for the Development of Micro-enterprises


  • Chun Liang Chen National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan



The purpose of this study is to identify the different strategies employed by micro- enterprises supporting by the government funding with different developmental stage of industrial life cycles. This paper used a multiple-cases study method and selected 48 cases micro-enterprises to analyse the developmental phases of these firms. From the results, we find that micro-enterprises tend to need government guidance in five respects at their different growth stages: product packaging, design and promotion; introduction of external resources; commercial community operation; new products/services delivery; and objective-oriented marketing.


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Author Biography

  • Chun Liang Chen, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan

    Assistant Professor, Graduate school of creative industry design


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How to Cite

Chen, C. L. (2016). Government Guidance Strategies for the Development of Micro-enterprises. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 4(1), 40-45.