Comparative Study of the Impact of Instructional Materials and Technology on Traditional and Distance Education Systems.
Instructional material, technology, traditional education, distance educationAbstract
Recent changes in information and communication technologies have significantly impacted teaching and learning processes. Methods of doing business have also changed. Many experts now recommend that students’ educational experiences be reformed to better prepare students for their future, which entails incorporating technology in the teaching process. The objective of this study is to assess the importance of technology and good instructional materials on two educational systems – distance and traditional systems. We conclude, among others, that good instructional materials should be clear, precise, and must deliver accurate message as were initially designed to do irrespective of traditional or distance educational system. We further conclude that whereas technology may have greater influence on distance education than on the traditional classroom system, however, when applied appropriately, technology will also enhance learning in the traditional classroom system. Students will comprehend faster, and it will make the teaching task less difficult. Education planners and instructors must ensure that application of technology; especially in distance education does not jeopardize the quality of learning.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Onyilagha Joseph Chuks, Nnajiofor Francisca Nebechi

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