When the Ageing Society “E ncounter s the Information Society
Internet Risks for the Elderly in Taiwan
Elderly, Internet surfing, Internet risk, Delphi methodAbstract
Objective: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) suggested that older people having the capacity to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a vital indicator of active aging. This study aimed to explore the scope and the worries of Internet risks for elderly people. Method: The Delphi method and survey questionnaires were used in this study. Using the Delphi method, 15 experts were invited to write in three rounds of correspondence and reach an agreement on the scope of Internet risks for the elderly. A total of 1,021 respondents aged over 55 completed questionnaires. Results: The results revealed: (1) Internet risks for the elderly included four dimensions: financial, performance, psychosocial, and physical. (2) The elderly tend to worry about Internet risks, and are most worried about financial risks, followed by physical risks. (3) The seniors with older age, low levels of education, less than one year of Internet experience, and no online shopping experience are the most fearful of Internet risks. Conclusion: We suggest that Internet risk coping strategies is helpful for reducing internet fear, and should be incorporated into the computer curriculum for the old internet beginner, so that they can enjoy the Internet and aging actively.
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