Benefits and Implementation Challenges of Task-Based Language Teaching in the Chinese EFL Context
task, task based language teaching, effectiveness, implementation challenges.Abstract
With the recent high profile and frequent use of tasks in language teaching, there exists a trend in the English as foreign language (EFL) classrooms in China that the long established traditional teaching methods b ased on the presentation practice production (PPP) model are now being replaced by task based language teaching (TBLT). Much research has been done concerning the application of TBLT, but less is known about its challenges for implementing TBLT in Chinese EFL context. Based on the analysis of the existing pedagogical problems caused by the traditional English teaching methods, this paper aims to identity benefits and challenges in TBLT implementation in Chinese EFL context context. It concludes by suggesting that a contextual adaptation to TBLT in Chinese EFL setting should be made and TBLT can be best feasible and useful if a context-sensitive TBLT approach in which Chinese traditional values, examination demands, teachers’ teaching beliefs and practices interact best with the principles of TBLT.
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