Task-based Language Teaching in Chinese EFL Context
Learners’ Attitudes and Perceptions
Task-Based language teaching, Chinese EFL context, attitudes and perceptionsAbstract
The attitudes and perceptions on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) have recently received sustained academic attention. But most of these studies were done from teachers’ perspective. Despite learners’ central role and the great influence their attitudes and perceptions can have on their learning results in TBLT class, learners' attitudes and perceptions about TBLT have not received the due attention. LLittle has been done to investigate how language learners respond to TBLT in this respect, which is especially true in China. This paper aims to explore the attitudes and perceptions among a group of English as foreign language (EFL) learners in China. A sample of 166 learners at the tertiary level participated in the study. A task-based questionnaire was introduced to examine the attitudes and perceptions of these participants. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results suggested a high level of understanding about task and TBLT properties among the majority of respondents. They generally hold positive attitudes and perceptions towards TBLT and therefore, most of the learners like to carry out TBLT in their English class teaching. Some important problems revealed by the findings are discussed and implications also offered.
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