Factors impacting the implementation guidance and counselling services in secondary schools in the Ohangwena region of Namibia
Teacher counsellor, School counselling, Guidance , CounsellingAbstract
The study aimed to establish teacher counsellors’ views on the factors impacting the implementation of guidance and counselling services in the Ohangwena region of Namibia. The study was quantitative in nature and used a non experimental design that involved a survey. The population of the study comprised of teacher counsellors in all senior secondary schools in Ohangwena region. Data were collected using questionnaires which were administered to a sample of twenty six (26) teacher counsellors. Teacher counsellors were purposively sampled. The data was analysed by use of descriptive statistics using The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Based on the findings of this study teacher counsellors viewed inadequate training, high teaching loads and time constraints, lack of support given to teacher counsellors and lack of resources and facilities as key factors impacting the successful implementation of
school guidance and counselling. It was thus recommended that the training of teacher counsellors in school guidance and counselling be improved, reduced workload for teacher counsellors, better resources and facilities for guidance and counselling, and for teacher counsellors to be supported in order for guidance and counselling to be successfully implemented in schools.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Emilia Mbongo, Andrew Möwes, Charles Chata

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