Implementing mathematics teaching reform

A case study of mathematics classrooms in China


  • Lianfang Lu University of Arkansas, USA



This study describes the implementation of teaching reform in secondary mathematics classrooms in a rural poverty school in southwest China where a school-wide teaching experiment took place. Classroom teaching and learning practices are primarily concerned with classroom organizations, interactions and social norms. The results indicate that a collective learning approach was taken in the classroom reform, in which mathematical communications, understanding and engagement of students in learning were promoted. However, there was a lack of diversity of thinking and arguments on solving problems among different level students, which implies the mathematical teaching still focuses on acquiring knowledge over generating knowledge.


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Author Biography

  • Lianfang Lu, University of Arkansas, USA

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics


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How to Cite

Lu, L. (2016). Implementing mathematics teaching reform: A case study of mathematics classrooms in China. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 4(6), 33-40.