Use of traditional knowledge by paddy farming communities of Mahapatra in Polonnaruwa district in Sri Lanka
Modern technology, Paddy farming community, Traditional knowledge, Indigenous knowledge, Eco friendlyAbstract
Traditional Knowledge (TK) also referred to as indigenous knowledge (IK) or local knowledge. During the ancient times, farmers practiced environment-friendly cultivation methods using their TK. In the past when the technology was not developed, TK was used effectively for agricultural activities in Sri Lanka. They acquired the TK by observing the natural phenomena, through their experiences and inheritance. The main objective of this study was to examine the use of traditional knowledge by paddy farming communities. How they used their traditional knowledge for land preparation, cultivation and harvesting? How they observed the weather and climate phenomena for their paddy cultivation, preparation, and harvesting? The primary and secondary data were used for this study. A questionnaire survey, interviews, observations and photographing are used to obtain data and information. Mahaulpatha GN division is selected from Dimbulagala Division as the study area and 40 elderly paddy families have been selected for the survey. Data analysis has been done through various techniques. Sample survey revealed that 57% of the paddy farmers have been using the straw manures before planting but after sowing paddy seed, 100% of the farmers are used chemical fertilizers to get high productivity. 87% of the farmers use machinery system to prepare the paddy land because machinery is most efficient, and minimize the time allocation and labor cost. 26% farmers do their land preparation and harvesting activities trusting the prevailing rainfall patterns. Observing wind direction and behavior of plants and animals also added to their experiences. The IK which has been brought down from generation to generation has gradually been vanishing in the study area. Even though the chemical approach to pest control is only a short term solution, farmers know that the modern chemicals are not eco-friendly or favorable to them and their abiotic environment. Application of chemical pesticides gives immediate results for increasing their farm production. Based on the field experiences the small leaflet (Local language) was prepared and distributed among the paddy farmers to make aware the importance of the TK with the combination of modern technology. Even though the modern technology is more advanced when both the traditional knowledge and modern technology are combined the more benefits can be acquired to the paddy farming community.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Rekha Nianthi KWG, Madhushani LPHK

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