Assessment Tools for the Evaluation of the Level of Attainment of a Student Outcome Related to Entrepreneurial Activities


  • Osama Ahmed Abu Zeid United Arab Emirates University, UAE
  • Farag Khalifa Omar United Arab Emirates University, UAE
  • Jwan Alkhalil United Arab Emirates University, UAE
  • Bobby Mathew United Arab Emirates University, UAE



ABET, assessment tools, entrepreneurship, mechanical engineering, student outcomes


Mechanical engineering department at the United Arab Emirates University has added to the ABET student outcomes an additional outcome - “l: a recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in entrepreneurial activities”. This paper details the assessment tools employed in measuring the level of attainment of this student outcome as well as implementation approach. Several direct and indirect assessment tools are developed for measuring the level of attainment of this additional outcome. Direct assessment is carried out through courses, graduation project, and industrial training while indirect assessment is executed through student exit survey, employer survey, alumni survey, and faculty opinion. The average achievement level of this additional outcome, between 2011 to 2014, among graduates is 3.8/5.


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Author Biographies

  • Osama Ahmed Abu Zeid, United Arab Emirates University, UAE

    Professor, Mechanical Engineering

  • Farag Khalifa Omar, United Arab Emirates University, UAE

    Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department

  • Jwan Alkhalil, United Arab Emirates University, UAE

    Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Bobby Mathew, United Arab Emirates University, UAE

    Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department


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How to Cite

Abu Zeid, O. A., Omar, F. K., Alkhalil, J., & Mathew, B. (2017). Assessment Tools for the Evaluation of the Level of Attainment of a Student Outcome Related to Entrepreneurial Activities. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 5(4), 17-27.