An Exploratory Study of the Qualities that Distinguish Potential from Realized Innovators


  • Denis Leo Greene Ottawa University, Kansas City, Missouri
  • Maria Vidos Hunt Avila University, MeWe Mindfulness LLC; Ottawa University



innovation, ideation, idea generation, creativity, creative thinking


This study explored the similarities and differences between 36 accomplished and 36 hopeful innovators in a large midwestern city in the United States. Both groups reported a higher frequency of recognized ideas when creative thinking occurred in the morning and under conditions of a state of calm. Realized Innovators uniquely approached the ideation process by intentionally applying a set of processes they found reliably effective. Potential Innovators were less deliberate in their approach to idea generation and were more likely to pursue activities with weak associations to creative outputs.


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Author Biographies

  • Denis Leo Greene, Ottawa University, Kansas City, Missouri

    Dept. of Psychology

  • Maria Vidos Hunt, Avila University, MeWe Mindfulness LLC; Ottawa University

    I received my Ph.D. in clinical psychology and organizational development from Louisiana State University in 1980.  I worked 15 years as a psychotherapist in Sacramento, California before joining the academic ranks.  I was a Professor of Psychology at Lower Brule Community College, Dakota Wesleyan University, and Avila University (with adjunct work at Ottawa University, Kansas City).  In 2014, I retired from my tenured position to form my own company, ME/WE Mindfulness, which is devoted to "translating science into well being." I continue to serve as an adjunct professor at Avila University via an online research lab.  


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How to Cite

Greene, D. L., & Hunt, M. V. (2017). An Exploratory Study of the Qualities that Distinguish Potential from Realized Innovators. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 5(8), 8-19.