The Lifestyle of female head porters
The single mother and her coping strategies at Aboabo, Kumasi
Female Migrants, Single Mothers, Health, Jobs, institutionsAbstract
This study sought to find out the lifestyle of female single mothers head porters and their coping strategies at Aboabo, in the Kumasi Metropolis. The study aimed to find out the causes of migration, the health, social and institutional challenges that face these vulnerable female single mothers as they seek to meet their daily needs. The research design used for this study was quantitative survey strategy and explanatory. Purposive sampling (judgement/selective/subjective) was used to select the study sample size of one hundred (110) respondents. The data collection instruments were questionnaires. The study findings revealed that: the rainfall pattern in the Northern part of Ghana was unstable and makes most single mothers to migrate to Kumasi to work as head porters. Moreover, some of the health problems face by the head porters included; malaria, typhoid, and anaemia and other diseases due to poor shelter and sanitation. The plight of these vulnerable women would be improved if non-governmental organizations were invited, encouraged and supported them by providing affordable dormitory accommodation for them and alternative jobs.
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