Perception of undergraduate from veterinary medicine course about sustainability in the training of the future veterinarian
Education, Sustainable Development, Veterinary MedicineAbstract
In the last decades, sustainability has become the subject of many discussions mainly driven by the global concern over climate change and scarcity of natural resources. So, some measures were agreed in the major international rounds on the environment as well as on educationally planning of countries that have established a commitment to integrate sustainability in different educational levels. Hence, the objective of this study was to determine the importance given be by the veterinary medicine students about sustainability in their training. The study is descriptive with quantitative approach where the Likert scale questionnaire with 5 scales was used and applied to students of the last semesters of veterinary medicine in a university. Subsequently the data were tabulated and a general boxplot type graph was elaborated showing the distribution of data. Most students presented a high degree of agreement regarding the relationship between sustainability with professional training. It can be drawn the conclusion that it is important and necessary for the formation of the veterinarian of the future.
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Copyright (c) 2018 João Fernando Zamberlan, Kiara Nicole Jandrey, Camila Izabel Giacomolli, Maurício Paulo Batistella Pasini, Rafael Pivotto Bortolotto, Ludmila Noskoski Salazar, Aline Alves da Silva, Rodrigo Fernando dos Santos Salazar
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