Analysis of Teaching Strategies and Perception of Nursing Scholars at Risk Communication to Workers in Situations of Social and Economic Risk
Health Education, Extension, Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, Nursing EducationAbstract
Unfortunately, the aging of the population and the increase in the incidence of Chronic No-communicable Diseases (NCDs) are challenges that affect the whole of Brazil. And these besides to adversely affect the economically active population and mainly affect the health of the worker. Aware of this reality, the students of the fourth period of the discipline of Health Education, of the Nursing course and a student master of the course of Integral Attention to Health, in the year 2017, of UNICRUZ, carried out the extension project "Women's Health Project", Aiming to present activities that encouraged the interest of the participants in health care and prevent chronic non-communicable diseases. For the methodological execution of the project, it was used the Retrospective Survey, with a report and discussion of the activities carried out. The project took place in the dependencies of the Profession Project "Profissão Catador", in the city of Cruz Alta, RS, with the participation of approximately 12 women, aged 30-60 years. It is believed that Health Education along with the University and Community connection can be a positive strategy to reach those who do not have access to important information on prevention and health.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Thaís Cristina Coelho de Ornelas Salasar, Roberta Cattaneo Horn, João Fernando Zamberlan, Rafael Pivotto Bortolotto, Kelly de Moura Oliveira Krause, Rodrigo Fernando dos Santos Salazar

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