Level of safety culture in healthcare professionals
Systematic review protocol
Safety Management, Safety Culture, Patient SafetyAbstract
The assessment of the safety culture of the organization allows obtaining a clear view of the aspects and dimensions of patient safety that require more attention. The study aims to present the systematic review protocol designed to analyze the level of safety culture in a hospital setting. The reporting of this systematic review will comply with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses PRISMA Checklist. The systematic review protocol will be submitted for registration in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO). The systematic review will carefully follow six steps: selection of guiding question; definition of the characteristics of the primary research sample; selection of the research sample; analysis of the findings of the articles included in the review; interpretation of results; and reporting of the review, which will provide a critical examination of the findings. For analysis of the selected studies, the guiding research question, "What is the level of safety culture in the hospital environment?" will be used. A search of MEDLINE, VHL, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science electronic databases will be conducted. The search strategy will combine index terms and the descriptors "Safety Management," "Safety Culture," and "Patient Safety." Studies published from 2012 to 2022 will be included, with no language restriction. The following inclusion criteria will be adopted: observational and experimental studies; studies conducted in the period from 2012 to 2023; studies that measured safety culture in the hospital environment through validated instruments. Exclusion criteria are: duplicate articles; narrative or systematic review and meta-analysis; case reports; case series and experimental studies involving animals. Two reviewers will extract data from the selected studies independently. Safety culture measurement allows leaders to implement targeted strategies to improve specific dimensions of safety culture.
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