Selection of Real Estate Investment Funds with Application of Fuzzy Logic
Real Estate Investment Trust, Fundos de Investimento Imobiliários, Investment Selection, Fuzzy LogicAbstract
The general objective of this work is modeling a system to define which REIT should be acquired. With the identification of relevant variables to the analysis of real estate investment funds, the appropriate values for the variables are delimited using descriptive statistics and then fuzzy logic is applied to select the REIT that should be acquired. With the conclusion of this work, we identified as relevant variables: Book Equity, Manager Characteristics, Market-to-Book, Liquidity, Management Fee and Vacancy. With delimitation of the values to the variables and the use of fuzzy logic to select the REIT, it was identified a positive correlation between the Buying Decision and Yield, proving the reliability of the model within the buying decision of the REIT, according to the investor’s risk profile.
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