Consumption Experience of Impulse Buying in Algeria
Shopping experience, Impulse buying tendency, Hedonic buying, Algerian consumerAbstract
This article focuses on impulsive buying experience. It aims at exploring whether the explanatory variables of this type of purchase, which are used in the marketing literature in the West, may account for the impulsive buying behavior in the Algerian cultural context. An extensive literature review allowed clarifying the basic concepts of this research; it led, firstly, to determine the variables that stimulate the consumer emotions and arouse pure impulse purchase and its consequences, and secondly, to show its importance to producers and distributors. The empirical study was conducted on 590 buyers from the Wilaya (Province) of Tlemcen (Algeria). The results of the data analysis, using the software R, indicate that the variables used in this study have a better predictive power of achieving the favorable experience of impulse buying.
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