Identification of Affective States in MOOCs
A Systematic Literature Review
MOOCS, affective states, emotions, online learningAbstract
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a type of online coursewere students have little interaction, no instructor, and in some cases, no deadlines to finisch assignments. For this reason, a better understanding of student affection in MOOCs is importantant could have potential to open new perspectives for this type of course. The recent popularization of tools, code libraries and algorithms for intensive data analysis made possible collect data from text and interaction with the platforms, which can be used to infer correlations between affection and learning. In this context, a bibliographical review was carried out, considering the period between 2012 and 2018, with the goal of identifying which methods are being to identify affective states. Three databases were used: ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore and Scopus, and 46 papers were found. The articles revealed that the most common methods are related to data intensive techinques (i.e. machine learning, sentiment analysis and, more broadly, learning analytics). Methods such as physiological signal recognition andself-report were less frequent.
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