Enhancing students´ engagement, learning and knowledge generation

The RISE case study


  • Agueda Benito Laureate International Universities
  • Shailey Singhal University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India




Student engagement, Innovation Research skills, Applied knowledge, Learning community


The present case study illustrates an example of how universities can develop initiatives that enhance the learning effectiveness of their students and, at the same time, help them become more innovative and generate knowledge that improves research outcomes and contributes to scientific advancement.

Research & Innovation in Science and Engineering (RISE) constitutes an initiative implemented by an Indian comprehensive university, through which multidisciplinary teams of students present their project ideas and, if selected, they get the institutional support to develop them: some funds, the university facilities and equipment and, more than anything, the guidance of a dedicated faculty mentor, and the involvement of the industry. The students´ learning experience is totally collaborative, interdisciplinary, applied and experiential, in good alignment with the needs of the present and future labor market. Additionally, the outcomes of the program include research papers, patents and industry partnerships that clearly benefit the institution and all its stakeholders.


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Author Biography

  • Shailey Singhal, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India

    Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering


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How to Cite

Benito, A., & Singhal, S. (2019). Enhancing students´ engagement, learning and knowledge generation: The RISE case study. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(2), 201-209. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol7.iss2.1340