Development and systematization of an Active Method for Engineering Teaching





Transversal Competences, Engineering Teaching, Active Methodologies


Current society is heavily influenced by science and technology, indicating the need to train generations with critical ability to analyze messages and make responsible decisions in the context in which they act. This is reflected in teaching in general, requiring the university to be a stimulating environment and not merely transmitting knowledge. The teaching-learning process in science education, in particular engineering, can not therefore be restricted to traditional methods. New practices and technologies, with diversified resources and strategies, have been necessary in the improvement of teaching. The present work had the objective of developing an active method for teaching in engineering, at the School of Engineering of Lorena, University of São Paulo. The results show that students crave experiences that develop transversal competences, and that the transmission of theoretical content loses its place for teaching that promotes a process of autonomous construction of knowledge.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Auxiliadora Motta Barreto, EEL-USP - Escola de Engenharia de Lorena - Universidade de São Paulo
    Psicóloga, Mestre em Educação, Doutora em Psicologia como Profissão e Ciência -
    Departamento de Ciências Básicas e Ambientais


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How to Cite

Motta Barreto, M. A. (2019). DIVERSIX: Development and systematization of an Active Method for Engineering Teaching. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(8), 291-307. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol7.iss8.1677