A Basal cell carcinoma in the labial filter
Surgical treatment and reconstruction with bilateral perialar advancement flap in ascending
Basal cell carcinoma, upper lip, surgical reconstructionAbstract
The bilateral perialar advancement flap in ascending is a good option for restoring complex upper lip defects. We report a patient presenting with a basal cell carcinoma in the upper lip filter, submitted to reconstruction with bilateral perialar advancement flap in ascending: a technique that is easy to perform, under local anesthesia and with excellent esthetic results.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Rondon Ramalho, Luiz Carlos Takita, Vanessa Gdla, Luiara Stefanelo Loro, Baltazar Dias Sanabria, Carlos Alberto Ferreira de Freitas, Antônio Carlos de Abreu, Cesar Augusto Sobrinho

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