Paradigm of leadership for organizational innovation based on theory U
Paradigms of Leadership, Leadership, Change in Organization, Culture of Innovation, TeamAbstract
Leadership paradigms are the attributes that a leader must possess for efficient and innovative leadership. Theory U is used as an argument in this discussion. The objective of this essay is to consider the paradigms of transformational leadership for the consolidation of a culture of innovation in the organization. This task of qualitative and exploratory research. The results of the present study suggest that consolidating a culture of innovation in the organization implies an impressive change in the modus operandi, with an open-minded team, also essential as a agent of change, led in an appropriate and creative environment. To make this possible, leadership must use the paradigms of transformational leadership as well as the culture-creativity-team trilogy. In addition, the change agent must disseminate the values of creativity and innovation in the everyday activities of the team, besides instigating internal actions that invigorate this culture.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Cleice de Pontes Bernardo, Rwrsilany Silva, Prof. Dr. Flávio de São Pedro Filho, Raul Afonso Pommer Barbosa
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