Socio-environmental innovation in the management of urban solid waste in the amazon
Socioenvironmental Innovation, Urban Solid Waste, Shared Management, Sanitary landfillAbstract
Inadequate disposal of urban solid waste (USW) contaminates the soil, groundwater, bodies of surface water and the atmosphere, due to the emission of polluting gases. It causes urban flooding due to the obstruction of storm-water drainage systems caused by accumulated USW. Carried by rainwater, it also, among other environmental events, affects the macro- and micro-climate, raising the local and global temperature. In this scenario the present study asks how innovation in the management of urban solid waste can contribute to social and environmental innovation. The general objective of this work was to study the management of USW in the Amazon sub-region, given the advent of social and environmental innovation. To obtain its results, it took the following as its specific objectives: (1) interpreting the current management of the USW of the sub region of interest; (2) describing the ultimate destination of the USW; and (3) proposing models of socioenvironmental innovation for the management of USW in the local sub-regions. The case study method was applied, using the necessary procedures. It was observed that the management of USW in the studied sub region is restricted to public power facilities, where it employs few processes or technologies. Regarding the final disposal of the USW, the municipalities have not instituted any separation of recyclables from waste products and hence they send all domestic and industrial waste to landfill sites as if nothing was recyclable. In addition, most municipalities continue to dump contaminants in their old sites, pending decisions to close them and ask responsible bodies to supervise them. This paper is an academic contribution to the improvement of waste management. It proposes innovative USW management practices, based on the principle that the Polluter Pays; initiatives that favour socioenvironmental innovation must be substantiated. This research is of interest to scholars working on sustainability and to managers concerned with issues related to socioenvironmental management.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Eliezer de Souza Nascimento, Prof. Dr. Flávio de São Pedro Filho, Vanessa Piffer, Sylviane Beck Ribeiro, Dalza Gomes da Silva, Valéria Arenhardt

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