Comparative Analysis of the Constructive Process with the Drain Manual in a Project in Manaus City
Urban drainage, Micro drainage, DevicesAbstract
This paper aims to make a comparison of the construction method of the drainage implanted in the Peace Alley, between Raimundo Saraiva Street and Santa Helena Street, in the Cidade de Deus neighborhood, Manaus-Am, with manuals and urban drainage rules in which their The objectives are to verify the constructive way of the device implanted there, to make comparisons with norms and manuals of urban drainage and to present the proper way to implant the urban drainage device in the place. To this end, searches were conducted based on bibliographic sources, with data collected through research in libraries and current legislation and searches in digital sources and consultations to academic articles, in order to describe the installation procedures and equipment involved in microdrainage, method used is associated with the development of these works, in order to define the correct form for proper installation of drainage devices according to the Urban Drainage standards and manuals.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Lorena Reis Sales, Richarles da Silva Soares, Sara dos Santos Santarém, Frank Henrique Santos Fontineles, David Barbosa de Alencar, Antônio Estanislau Sanches

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